Very astute piece, Kallista, and congrats on launching your Substack. I will be sure to recommend your publication on The Liberty Wave.

The idea of the dollar collapsing is frightening and unfortunately we do appear to be at risk of this happening. Glenn Beck has been predicting this for some time now, and he is not the only one. What puzzles me is how so many people are aware of what is going on, yet there seems to be little we can do to stop it.

I see a future of parallel societies - one propped up by the major metropolitan urban cities run by fascists with zombie-like citizens "owning nothing and being happy" because they have no critical thinking abilities and no courage or faith-based foundation; and then many alternative societies represented by the more rural communities, existing evasively of course.

The fabric of each US state has been hijacked. State borders might mean very little in the future. How citizens communicate and trade could serve as our new "state" borders.

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Many thanks Ryan! I agree, America is hijacked and the few of us who understand what is going on are incapable of turning things around.. It’s what’s bound to happen in the last days, but the best way we can prepare ourselves for what’s to come is to keep Christ centered and be armed spiritually.

I appreciate all of your support and for introducing me to the Substack community!

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This is very good, you are 100% correct on the path that we are on to collapse the US dollar. The Biden administration is taking major steps to push this agenda forward in a way that makes it seems unintentional. The heavy handed sanctions they placed on the Russian government proved that they couldn't be trusted with that kind of utility and forced the Chinese government and others to start plans for contingencies. Similar to what happened with AWS and the Parlor social network.

Great job on this write up and I look forward to reading more.

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I deeply appreciate your feedback and for sharing these insightful thoughts!

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